After a four day retreat at the Commonweal property in Bolinas CA I am now starting the real vacation with Steve. The Healer's Art workshop was lead by Dr Rachel Naomi Remen(author of Kitchen table wisdom and My grandfather's blessings). The Commonweal is in a beautiful piece of land but remote and with no cellphone service. The workshop was very intense with 12 hours each day of experiential work and very little free time. Very light Yoga in the morning and an occasional run or walk was all the exercise I could get. It was really hard for me to slow down in every way but I did it and as a result a finished some knitting projects for the grand baby. The participants were wonderful, warm educators who came from Australia, Israel, Vermont, Utah, New Mexico, Colorado, Boston, New Jersey and the Bay area. The food was the best I had in my life made by a chef from Bolinas, mostly vegetarian and organic (I will wait a few days before I step on the scale...)
Our first day of vacation we are spending in the Coast Starlight, a train that starts in southern California and goes to Vancouver. We got on it in Oakland at 10 PM yesterday, and will get to Seattle hopefully before 9 PM tonight.
The scenery is beautiful, we have a little cabin/sleeper for the two of us.
I am really looking forward getting on the Surlys to ride to our friend Dave's place.
Tomorrow we will be touring Seattle, hopefully getting to a lake or a pool where I can stretch swimming and Wednesday we are leaving Seattle to the Olympic peninsula. Pictures: view of the Pacific from Commonweal, Bolinas and Fede, Naita with grand baby in belly saying goodbye at the Amtrak station
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